Can you ask smaller questions?

Why Asking the Right Questions Matters Have you ever found yourself repeatedly asking the same big questions, struggling to find the answers?  BIG Questions like “What do I want to do with my life?” or “What is my true path?”  These are the questions that hold deep personal significance but are often challenging to answer.

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Tarot card reading

Monthly Tarot Card pulling: December

I´ve been exploring Tarot as a means to connect to my intuition, gain deeper insights into myself  and my journey and I invite you to join me in this new venture — with a monthly Tarot card pulling. We´re kicking it off in December. The Card I pulled is: Judgement. What does it tell us

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Uncover Self-Love through EFT Tapping

Do you ever find self-love a bit strange? Like you should change before you can fully accept and love yourself?  You’re not alone! In this session, we’ll explore self-acceptance and self-love techniques through EFT tapping.  We’ll challenge your inner critic, dissolve resistance, and send love to every part of yourself.  If you’re looking for a

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Revitalize Your Soul through Emotional Healing

What Is Emotional Healing And Why Does It Matter? Emotional healing is the process of understanding, exploring, and transforming your inner world. With the aim to gain greater awareness, balance, and control of your daily life. It’s about understanding the power of relationships between your mind, body, and emotions. And finding ways to take charge

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Unlock the Secret to a Healthy Body and Mind

Do you feel like life is getting the better of you? Do you want to be healthier and happier, but don’t know how? Well, look no further! In this article, we’ll discuss 10 powerful habits that will help cultivate a healthy body and a happy mind. We all deserve to live our best lives –

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EFT tapping

How To TAP: The Basic Guide To EFT tapping

Uncover a powerful self-help technique with this beginner’s guide to EFT Tapping! I explain the basics and provide step-by-step instructions that make sense even for first timers. My name is Sina, I’m an EFT practitioner as well as a yoga teacher. I would like to give you a short introduction to EFT and talk you

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Ein Tag für die Selbstliebe

1. Was bedeutet diese Selbstliebe? Selbstliebe ist ein Begriff, der in den letzten Jahren immer mehr Aufmerksamkeit bekommen hat. Doch was genau bedeutet Selbstliebe? Selbstliebe bedeutet, sich selbst anzunehmen und zu akzeptieren, so wie man ist. Es geht darum, sich selbst wertzuschätzen, für sich selbst zu sorgen und sich selbst zu erlauben, Fehler zu machen

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What is Emotional Freedom

What is Emotional Freedom?

What is Emotional Freedom? Emotional freedom is the ability to fully experience and express the whole range of emotions without being overwhelmed or controlled by them. It is a state of being in which we feel free to be ourselves. Authentically express our thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or negative consequences. Emotional freedom

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